Branislav Kollár, Peter Mikeš, Darina Buranová, Katarína Klobučníková, † Pavel Varsik
Authors retrospectively analysed epileptic and nonepileptic seizures in the group of 216 pacients. These patients were hospitalised at 1st Department of Neurology of Medical Faculty Comenius University in Bratislava with diagnose of loss of consciousness of unknown origin or suspected epilepsy. After diagnostic work-up the diagnose of nonepileptic seizures was stated in 113 of 216 patients. The most frequent diagnose from „nonepileptic diagnoses“ was the syncope (79 patients). The authors accentuate the requirement of correct and early diagnostics of nonepileptic seizures as well as strict adherence to standardized diagnostic practice and multidisciplinary evaluation of patients with unclear seizures.