Roman Záhorec
Sepsis is one of serious medical problems. It develops in 2-3 % of all hospitalized patients. Epidemiologic occurence of sepsis is unknown. Statistical survey reports that about 5 – 8 thousand patients in Slovakia suffer from sepsis (1-1.5 ‰ of population) of which about half of cases suffer from severe sepsis or septic shock (2500 – 3000 cases per year) with 51 % mortality. Epidemiologic studies of sepsis confirmed that mostly people at higher age are afflicted. After the age of 45 the incidence in adults increases with the highest incidence and highest mortality rate after 70 years of age (Záhorec et al., 2005). Immune system dysfunction caused by ageing, diseases, genetical predisposition and further intercurrent diseases and frequent medical interventions together with invasive infection are factors of etiopathogenesis of sepsis. High mortality of patients with sepsis is caused by underestimation of risk groups of patients, late diagnosis and wrong therapy (Holland, 2002). Early diagnosis and adequate therapy of sepsis (treatment of primary source of infection, early and adequate antiinfectious therapy) can prevent progression of sepsis into clinically more serious stages.