Juraj Hrnčiar
Obesity is a pandemic, civilization, mass disease affecting increase of insulin resistance in etiopathogenesis of phenomena of insulin resistance syndrome and in acceleration of the process of atherothrombogenesis. In expanded abdominal adipose tissue in android obese people the processes of production (adiponektine, leptine, resistine and cytokines), modification (steroid hormones) or utilization of numerous hormone regulating signals occur. This means that adipose tissue is not only a passive store of energy reserves but also a very active tissue in energy homeostasis. Adipose tissue is involved in formation and modification of metabolic syndrome phenomena (insulin resistance, hypertension, dyslipoproteinemia, DM 2, hirsutism with cycle disorders). Obesity dominates together with hyperinsulinism compensating IR in background of etiopathogenesis of metabolic syndrome phenomena and following cardiovascular diseases that are the main cause of morbidity, invalidity and mortality.