Adriena Sakalová, Denisa Ilenčíková, Katarína Weiglová, Mikuláš Hrubiško, Zdenka Štefániková, Katarína Masárová, Dana Škultétyová, Martin Mistrík, Ján Škultéty, Gabriela Kirschnerová
The current knowledge about biology of multiple myeloma is confirmed by clinical experience of its clinical variability and its diagnostics is enriched by specific methods of molecular genetics. Nowadays we are confronted with the fact that the incidence of this second most common malignant hematologic process increases rapidly in consistence with various epigenetic factors. Another significant reason is that approximately 20 % of patients are diagnosed with advanced stage of disease and latent and variant cases are missed in clinical practise. Drawing from their long-time clinical and research practise the authors aim their work at the possibilities of early diagnosis of latent asymptomatic forms and stress the need of wide and targeted differential diagnostics with rational application of cytogenetic and modern molecular genetic methods.