Zora Brezová, Tomáš Petrovič, Juraj Payer
Extragonadal germinal tumors (EGT) are a rare form of malignant germinal tumors. Authors present a survey of various types of EGT, etiopathogenesis and possibility of diagnosis and treatment. A case of 47-year-old male with gynecomastia and gradual weight lose is presented. After examinations a huge tumorous mass was detected in the abdominal cavity. Histological finding revealed that it was a seminom. Regarding negative finding on gonads the status was diagnosed as the extragonadal retroperitoneal seminom. The patient underwent 4 cycles of chemotherapy ( bleomycin, etoposid, cisplatina) and then residua of the tumorous mass were surgically removed. Currently, the patient is in total clinical remission. The authors underline that despite a huge extent of tumor patients with given diagnosis can have a good prognosis of the disease.