Margita Belicová, Jurina Sadloňová, Marian Mokáň
The authors present a retrospective analysis of prevalence, diagnostics, and therapy of patients with acute pulmonal emboly hospitalized in the years 1996-2005. The aim of the study: to evaluate prevalence, source, risk factors, clinical symptoms and therapy of patients with pulmonal emboly during the given period of time. Patients and methods: Within 10 years 229 patients (119 females) were hospitalized with the mean age of 61.03years (SD 16.32) with diagnosis of pulmonal emboly who represented 0.83 % of all hospitalized patients. The diagnosis in hemodynamically stabile patients wasa confirmed by perfusion scintography of the lungs, CT-angiography of the lungs or pulmonal angiography. Anticoagulation therapy (heparin by the pump or low molecular heparins) or thrombolysis (tissue activator of plazminogen or streptokinase) was administered to the patients. Results: Incidence of pulmonal emboly was 0.1- 0.37 per 1000 people and a year. The mean age of females was lower than of males (59.8 vs. 63.13), breathlessness was the commonest symptom (88 %) and chest pain (64 %). Source was found in 66 % of patients and various risk factors were found out. Thrombolytic therapy was administered in 31 % of patients during which 1.4 % of patients developed intracranial hemorrhages that was not observed in antcoagulation therapy. Death rate of patients with PE was 18 %, and depended on extent of pulmonal emboly and concomitant diseases. Conclusion: Chest pain mostly presented in young patients was usually underestimated at the first examination and resulted in wrong diagnosis. On other side, chest pain in elder patients was estimated as an acute coronary syndrome and breathlessness as a cardial decompensation. Thrombolytic therapy was safe and with a good clinical effectiveness.