Mária Belovičová, Angelika Bátorová, Daniela Horváthová, Denisa Jankovičová, Martin Wawruch, Jozef Holomáň
Chronic hepatitis C virus (CHC) represents the major cause of chronic liver diseases worldwide including cirrhosis and primary hepatocellular carcinoma. CHC is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in hemophiliac population. Ambition of hematologists and hepatologists is the comprehensive care of patients with inherited coagulopathies and the early treatment of chronic hepatitis C with the aim to prevent the development of its late complications. The current standard treatment of chronic hepatitis C is based on concomitant use of pegylated interpheron alpha and ribavirine. The outcome of combined therapy of CHC in hemophilic population is similar to the treatment outcomes in non-hemophilia patients. Authors advocate a close cooperation between hematologists and hepatologists in the management of chronic hepatitis in patients with congenital bleeding disorders.
Kľúčové slová: chronic hepatitis C, hemophilia A/B, liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, pegylated interpheron, ribavirin