Ľubomíra Fábryová
Currently we have confirmed data that only a small percentage of patients (including patients with high and very high risk) achieved target lipid values. On the other hand there is a growing number of patients in whom early and aggressive lipid-lowering medication is critical in the reduction of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular morbidity and mortality. The use of combined lipid-lowering therapy is an opportunity to more closely achieved target lipid levels, particularly in patients with high residual risk.Reasons for more frequent use of the advantages of combined lipid-lowering therapy in clinical practice are: to exploit the potential of combination of lipid-lowering agents with different mechanism of action to achieve target levels for LDL-C, resp. non-LDL-C, to reduce the risk resulting from the use of high doses of hypolipidemics in monotherapy and to affect the residual macrovascular and microvascular risk that remains in high-risk patients despite the achieved target of LDL-C.