Lenka Bartošová, Ivana Plameňová, Peter Kubisz
Sticky platelet syndrome (SPS) means hereditary, autosomal dominant thrombocytopathy associated with increased risk of arterial and venous thrombosis. It is considered to be the second most common thrombophilia after resistance to activated protein C. Nowadays SPS is a standard part of thrombophilia screening in patients suffering from arterial thrombosis in young age and without presence of artery disease leading to thrombosis that mainly occurs in stressful situations or in the case of progressive or recurrent venous thrombosis despite of effective anticoagulant treatment. Diagnosis of SPS is based on laboratory detected, increased platelet aggregation induced by epinephrine and/or adenosindiphosphate (ADP). The treatment with acetylsalicylic acid normalizes platelet abnormal aggregation.
Keywords: sticky platelet syndrome, thrombosis, aggregometry, acetysalicylic acid