Daniel Pella, Lucia Jedličková, Lucia Merkovská, Rastislav Šidlo
Programme DUAL PROTECTION 2010 (ReDUkcia kArdiovaskuLárneho rizika a zlepšenie kvality života Pacientov s aRtériOvou hyperTEnziou pomoCou ekfekTÍvnej Originálnej aNtihypertenzívnej liečby) was focused on cardiovascular risk reduction and quality of life improvement in hypertensive subjects. Adverse effects of antihypertensive drugs are quite common and they are associated with decreased therapy compliance or even lead to withdrawal of antihypertensive treatment. That is why there is a need for new therapeutic approach with not only the lowest burden of side effects, but with significant antihypertensive action. This programme was based on our previous experience in DUAL PROTECTION where we used successfully fixed combination of perindopril arginine and indapamide. We would like to prove these benefits in subsequent programme. Systolic blood pressure decreased statistically significantly from 159.1 ± 12.83 mmHg to 129.97 ± 6.89 mmHg (p < 0.0001) and diastolic blood pressure from 96.52 ± 7.88 mmHg to 79.72 ± 5.28 mmHg (p < 0.0001) in the whole group of patients (n = 2,476) after 4 months of therapy. The rates of blood pressure decrease were comparable also in high-risk groups of patients with presence of microalbuminuria or left ventricular hypertrophy or diabetes type 2. We observed a significant trend towards more pronounced decrease of blood pressure along with increasing number of hypertension risk factors. Adverse effects were very rare and mild. Moreover, there were no significant changes of evaluated laboratory parameters observed during the whole period of programme. Patient´s quality of life (evaluated by simple questionnaire method) significantly improved at the end of programme in comparison with baseline visit (p < 0.0001). We confirmed beneficial therapeutic effects of fixed combination perindopril arginine and indapamide in the programme DUAL PROTECTION 2010 in accordance with results achieved in programme DUAL PROTECTION (all together nearly 5,000 patients). Fixed combination therapy with perindopril arginine and indapamide was equally effective and safe in patients with arterial hypertension in all categories of cardiovascular risk, irrespective of associated comorbidities.