Peter Mitro
Atrioventricular and intraventricular conduction disorders occur as a result of delayed or interrupted conduction through conduction system of the heart. Atrioventricular blocks could lead to bradycardia. Intraventricular blocks lead to asynchronous ventricular contraction resulting in worsening of the heart failure. Diagnostics is based on electrocardiographic documentation of conduction disorder and differentiation between a suprahisal and infrahisal block. Localisation of the site of AV blocks is important for the prognosis and the management of the patient. Symptomatic or prognostically serious blocks are considered as an indication for permanent cardiac pacing. The cardiac resynchronisation therapy is indicated in a selected group of patients with heart failure and simultaneous intraventricular conduction disorder.
Keywords: bradycardia, AV block, bifascicular block, trifascicular block, cardiac pacing