Margita Belicová, Veronika Jankovičová, Ján Seleštiansky, Marian Mokáň
Trivial tricuspid valve regurgitation is frequently detected by echocardiography in normal subjects. Pathological tricuspid
regurgitation is more often secondary, primary isolated being very rare. The limited data that are available on the
natural history of primary tricuspid valve regurgitation suggest that severe tricuspid regurgitation has a poor prognosis,
even if it may be well-tolerated functionally for years. Despite the timing of surgical intervention remains controversial,
valve replacement should be carried out early enough to avoid irreversible damage right ventricle. In this case,
authors desribe 56 years old patient with pathological primary isolated tricuspid regurgitation in whom at the beginning
treatment was concentrated on atrial fibrillation.