Anna Morongová, Angelika Bátorová, Denisa Jankovičová, Tatiana Prigancová
Acquired haemophilia is a rare autoimmune disease caused by antibodies occurring against the coagulation factor VIII.
It is manifested by a bleeding with varying degrees of a severity. First-line therapy is using corticosteroids and then
other immunosuppressive agents. These treatment modalities are successful in two thirds of the cases. Rituximab is
the anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody and is primarily used for the treatment of B-cell lymphomas. Recently, its using is
extended in the treatment of the autoimmune diseases and it appears that is providing more opportunity for the patients
with the acquired haemophilia whose do not respond to a standard treatment. We present a case of the patient
where we used for the eradication anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody. Rituximab was dosed in a standard manner in two
cycles. Based on our experience we are incline to the view that rituximab can brings another opportunity in the inhibitor
eradication, particularly with patients with a failure of the standard therapy.