Andrej Dukát, Milan Kriška, Lucia Mistríková, Fedor Šimko
In the cardiovascular pharmacotherapy, there is, even more, difficult to find a new drug for the clinical practice with quite
a new and innovative place of action. For this reason, cardiovascular pharmacotherapy significantly differs from other
branches, as diabetology, immunology, or oncology. Therapeutic action for the increased activity of renin-angiotensin
system represents one of the basic aspects of the cardiovascular pharmacotherapy in the daily clinical practice. Therapy
of the wide range of cardiovascular diseases from the single risk factors, e.g. arterial hypertension up to the heart
failure and end-stage heart diseases with inhibition of regulatory system as renin-angiotensin-aldosterone is of basic
importance. However, new and innovative drugs in the last decades were not awaited yet. Especially after finishing several
clinical trials simultaneous measures into the mentioned regulatory system it was seen no additional benefit. Recently
one such way showed the benefit using angiotensin receptor blocker and inhibition of neutral vasopeptidases.
After evidence-based studies FDA registered new drug called Entresto and as well EMA approved this new drug class
for the clinical pharmacotherapy.