Martina Figurová, Magdaléna Kovářová, Vladimír Klinovský, Juraj Payer, Anna Plichtová, Maroš Suchánek
For sepsis we consider the acute response of the body, accompanied by systemic symptoms of inflammation, arising
in response to extensive microbial infection caused by repeated or continuous leaching of pathogens of infectious foci
throughout the body. The reason may not be possible in all cases to capture. It is characterized by the overreaction
of the immune system cells, activation of inflammatory mechanisms of the production of cytokines with systemic
exposures. The organism is not able to locate the infection and coordinated involve the immune system. Symptoms
may include circulatory disorders, thermoregulation, emaciated, failure of organs at risk for septic shock. On the Internal
Department are often admitted patients with signs and laboratory parameters suggestive of sepsis for differential
diagnosis. The article describes a case of a 53 year old female patient with a tumor of the ovary, whose hospitalization
for an oncology center was rejected and diverted to the internal clinic for diagnosting and sort out a fever. Patient was
20 years intrauterine stent in place (without any exchange, at the time of hospitalization been extracted), lost weight
10 kg within two months, three months had febrile to 39.5 ° C, had diarrhea, abdominal pain, and vomiting. CT examination
was in our clinic a proper evaluation of how right-tubo-ovarian abscess. The patient underwent operative treatment
for gynecological clinic, histological preparation was evaluated as Actinomycotic abscessing oophoritis, which
is in the literature reported as an adverse event IUDs mechanisms still poorly understood.