Zoltán Borbély, Andrea Mazanová, Miroslava Habarová
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) represents a global health problem. The disease incidence has increased into epidemic
proportions. The prevalence of CKD, according to the National Kidney Foundation is estimated to be 9-13 %. The majority
of the patients are in the first three stages of CKD. These stages represent a risk because they often remain undiagnosed
and can progress to chronic renal failure. Patients with end stage renal disease represent a very small fraction of
the population (0.1 %). CKD is currently considered to be an important risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Early detection
of the disease can play a significant role impacting the morbidity and mortality of patients. The aim of our study
was to determine the prevalence of CKD and the presence of comorbidities among hospitalized patients.