Viliam Bada
Commencing with the Nobel Prize winner I. I. Mecnikov, through A. I Ignatovsky up to the 27-year old graduate N. N.
Anickin, then A. B. Keys and his Study of 7 countries we are getting to an 8-year lasting prospective study monitoring
the impact of a high consumption of eggs on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in 117 933 volunteers. The results
confirmed that high consumption of eggs did not influence cardiovascular morbidity.
A low-fat diet with an increased proportion of wholemeal glycides, fruit and vegetables did not fulfil the expectations.
The number of the obese and diabetics is increasing. The curves of CVD mortality decrease stopped. The year 2014 in
May brought my 124-page book about prevention of cardiovascular diseases, same in May a 479-page book ’Big adipose
surprise’ by N. Teicholzova was published and in November 2014 the workers from Oxford published an update of
CVD mortality in Europe. The results in Denmark outran all expectations, mortality on IHD decreased in men by 57 %
and in women by 59 %. In the plenary section on 25 Oct 2014 Vytenis Andriukaitis, the EU commissioner for health and
food safety, neither doubted the exceptionally negative effect of trans fatty acids on health and nor excellent results
achieved in Denmark by consistent restrictions of trans fatty acids. At the same time he suggested performing an impact
study to specify the impact of similar steps in the EU, representing about the 2-year delay in realisation of trans-fatty
acid restriction in Europe.