Jozef Lacka, Petra Ištokovičová, Tamara Vraždová, Peter Jackuliak
The incidence and prevalence of Type 2 DM is increasing in Slovak Republic as well as in other countries. The reported
data on health care by providers to health insurance companies are the most accurate data on diagnosis, treatment,
complications and mortality of DM2. In 2010, in the patient population over 18 years the DM2 prevalence was 5, 48%.
The prevalence was lower for males (5, 14%) than for females (5, 80%). In 2015, the prevalence increased to 6, 13% of
the total number of insured, of which 5, 87% for men and 6, 38% for women. The mean age of patients with Type 2 diabetes
increased from 62, 72 to 64, 16 between 2010 and 2015, which means that the diabetic population is aging. At the
same time, we see that the rate of growth in newly diagnosed patients decreased in from 2010 to 2015 from 5 191 to
4 677 patients accordingly. Targeted activities should therefore lead to a higher diagnosis of uncaptured DM2. In 2010,
the overall mortality of patients with diabetes type 2 was 3,5 times higher then the mortality of patients without diabetes
and that on the level of 2,69% vs. 0,77%, while mortality in men with DM2 (2,79%) was slightly higher than the
mortality rate of women with DM2 (2,61%). The mean age of death for men was 70, 6 years and 75,4 years for women.
In 2015, the mortality of diabetics decreased to 2, 51%, while the mortality rate of patients who did not have diabetes
mellitus of the second type increased to 0, 88%. This means that the mortality of diabetics compared to the normal population
is only 3 times higher. The number of men with DM2 that died is 817 (2, 49%) with an average death age of 70,
5 years and the number of women that died is 952 (2, 53%) with an average age of 75,7 years. When assessing mortality
by standardized mortality measurement, which is an indicator that takes into account changes in the age structure
of diabetics over time (due to aging), mortality decline is even more significant, from 2,69% in 2010 to 2,29% in 2015;
mortality of diabetics decreased by 0,4%. Decrease in mortality occurred mainly in men by 0, 5%.