Iveta Wildová, Ladislav Šinkovič, Mojmír Ducár, Marianna Bystrianska
Parathyromatosis is rare cause of persistent or recurrent hyperparathyroidism. There are small nodules of benign
hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue scattered in soft neck and mediastinal tissues. Definitive diagnosis is histological.
Two kinds of parathyromatosis are recognized. Very rare type 1 results from hyperplasia of parathyroid glands
remnants from embryonic development. Type 2, called also as implantation parathyromatosis, develops after tearing
and scattering parathyroid tissue during parathyroidectomy for primary or secondary hyperparathyroidism. It
occurs more often in haemodialysed patients, in whom metabolic conditions of terminal kidney disease result in stimulating
cell growth. We indroduce the rare diagnosis through case report of a patient, who have undergone three
parathyroid surgeries and histology revealed parathyroid gland adenoma for the first time and parathyromatosis
from the other surgeries.