Milan Kuchta, Eva Bálintová, Slavomíra Stanková, Ľubomíra Palková, Miroslava Petrášová, Jana Smolová, Katarína Gombošová, Klára Töröková, Viktória Halušková, Marta Herichová
Introduction: Negligence is the failure to give somebody enough care that can results in serious disadvantage in development of the child or it can threaten the life of the child. The aim of the study is to point out the negligence and its relation to hospitalization for social reasons that are specific mostly for the eastern Slovakia region. Materials and Methods: Hospitalizations for social reasons were analyzed in 2005. The authors focused on long term hospitalizations (more than 100 days) and repeated hospitalizations (more than 5 times during the followed period). Results: The number of children with the diagnosis “Casus socialis“was 1 97 (6.17 % from all hospitalized), repeated hospitalizations 1 27 (1.73 %), long-term hospitalizations (100 day minimum) 5 (0.32 %). Characteristic manifestations of neglected child are presented connected to the syndrome CAN. The authors emphasize the wide socioeconomic connections. Conclusion: It is the health service system that is responsible for the problem of hospitalizations for social reasons. The problem should be carried out in complexity with government and legislature, social sphere, insurance, health service, community and the third.