Lucia Bordáčová, Diana Dočolomanská, Marián Hrebík, Jozef Mašura
HLHs population and the variants by its anatomical structure and clinical status are supposed to be at high risk for neurological and cognitive impairment in comparison with other congenital heart diseases. In this review we summarize risk factors for impairment of neurodevelopmental outcome focusing on the survivors of staged palliation and forms of clinical manifestation. We examined 20 patients who had undergone palliative surgery ending with Fontan operation at our institution. The most frequent neurological findings were residuum of hypoxic-ischemic lesion (various grade of hemi paresis, gross/fine motoric function, and partial aphasia) in 7 patients in medium-term results (35 %). In 5 patients (25 %) we find epilepsy with various form of manifestation. The full-scale IQ for whole group is 84.4 ± 4.2. Better results are found in performance IQ and shortterm memory. In 1/4 of group remain various grades of language skills impairment and in 60 % writing problems. In more than half of group we identified behavior problems – concentration impairment, attention disorder and hyperactivity. Due to wide spectrum of pre-, peri- and postoperative factors, patients with HLHs still remain high risk group not only for cardio logical follow-up, but also for early reveal of behavior disorders and cognitive functions impairment.