Kamila Trebuňová, Ladislav Bratský, Marcel Zachar, Jana Chudová
The occurrence of thromboembolism during childhood has increasing significant mortality and morbidity. There is direct connection with invasive diagnostic and therapeutic measures and intensive care. The congenital thrombophilic disorders are one of the main etiologic factors of thrombosis in children. The aim of our study was to elucidate the aetiology of thromboembolism in our group of patients with congenital and acquired thrombophilic disorders and to show the results of therapy. The group consists of 14 patients, the age from 1 month to 17 years. Four of our children have confirmed diagnosis of congenital thrombophilic disorder. Two patients has confirmed mutation of FV-Leiden. The other acquired aetiology of thromboembolism was infection (four times), central venous line, (two times), malignancy (2 times), trauma (two times), pregnancy, with vascular anomaly (1x), and hormonal contraceptives. The early initial therapy with heparin and warfarin was successful in cases of venous thromboses of central nervous systems.
Keywords: thromboembolism in childhood, „thrombophilic families“, risk factors, brain venous thrombosis