Ivan Martinka, František Horn, Miroslava Fuňáková, Ján Trnka, Jaroslav Siman, Dušan Haviar
Spina bifida is an innate anomaly of vertebral column. This term refers to the condition when the gap in the vertebral arch is present and processus spinosus is missing. It is usually situated in the lumbosacral area of the vertebral column. This anomaly can occur independently, without damage of spinal cord (spina bifida occulta) or it can be associated with neural tube defects (spina bifida manifesta or aperta). The data about prevalence of this condition in population vary between 5 - 40 %. The aim of our work was to asses the prevalence of spina bifida in documentation of Children faculty hospital (DFNsP) in Bratislava. Material and methods: Method of the first choice in diagnosis of spina bifida occulta is X-ray picture. The spina bifida manifesta can be assessed prenatally and postnatally by different diagnostic means and also by the X-ray picture. Our work was the retrospective study. We evaluated 250 X-ray pictures on which the lumbosacral area of the vertebral column is shown. The evaluated X-pictures were: native X-ray pictures of the abdomen, X-ray pictures of the skeleton (vertebral column, pelvis, coxa) and X-ray pictures of the urinary tract (urography, cystography). Results: Prevalence of spina bifida in group of patients of DFNsP in Bratislava is 28.8 % (72 children out of 250). Prevalence of spina bifida in the materials of DFNsP is high and depends on the type of examination. Coincidence is highest on the X-rays of uropoetic tract – 40 %. Accidental findings of SB leads to investigation of patient with special alignment to some kind of NTD and eventually to complete the imaging investigation, primarily MRI.