Vladimír Oleár, Pavol Šimurka, Elena Nováková, Kateřina Pospišilová
The acceleration in the development and mainly in the registration of new vaccines and the combinations of vaccination antigens substantially increased the preventive potential of medical doctors. On the other hand these possibilities require from health care workers much more information and knowledge. Until 2006 the regular compulsory vaccination encountered 10 transmissible diseases: Tbc, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, morbilli - measles, rubella - German measles, parotitis – mumps, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type B infections. The vaccination schedule in the Slovak Republic is performed according to the „Scandinavian“ scheme that differs from the schedule in the majority of EU countries. Optimization of the vaccination schedule for children in the Slovak Republic and possible implementation of new vaccinations to the system of preventive health care of children and adolescents increases requirements in the process of decision of paediatricians.