Petra Kyseľová, Peter Švec
Introduction: Fever is the most common unspecific symptom in children. Its appropriate treatment should be an elementary skill of parents. We aimed at analysis of parents’ knowledge about fever and its proper treatment. Cohort: 128 parents in 3 cities of different districts of Slovakia. Methods: Based on current recommendations we prepared standards of care for the treatment of fever in children. We conducted a questionnaire-survey in paediatricians’ practices and mother-care centres. Results were evaluated statistically. Results: Of 128 included parents only 60 (47 %) could define fever correctly. 76 (59 %) would react inappropriately in the case of a febrile episode in their child. 99 (77 %) are aware of appropriate antipyretics for their child but only 27 (21 %) knew the correct technique of physical cooling. Even though doctors´ advice and written information about fever proved to be the most important factors contributing to the correct answers of parents (p < 0,039), 38 (30 %) of parents did not talk to their doctor about fever. Parents are interested in information concerning fever and would prefer to receive it from their paediatrician. Conclusion: Parents have only average knowledge about fever. Paediatricians can improve the situation effectively by discussing fever or by providing written information.