Miloš Jeseňák1, Kristína Biskupská Boďová2, Barbora Jeseňáková1, Peter Bánovčin1
Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection belongs to the most common sexually transmitted diseases. HPV infection possesses several important specific characteristics. Virus has potency to break the defence immune mechanisms and can cause the persisting infection with its consequences. HPV is able due to its oncogenic potential to induce malign transformation of the cells and cause the development of several oncologic diseases such as cervical cancer. Today, we recognise also the broad spectrum of non-malign HPV-associated diseases. The most effective tool of prevention of the HPV-associated oncologic diseases is the vaccination. HPV vaccination is preventive, not therapeutic. Its efficacy was confirmed in many clinical trials and studies. It is in general well tolerated with minimum of side effects.