Karol Králinský1,2, Branko Takáč1
Respiratory infections are one of the most frequent causes to see a general practitioner for children and also for adults. What is more they are one of the main reasons for children, seniors and immunocompromised patients to be hospitalized. Part of them is preventable and vaccines and antibiotics significantly lowered morbidity and mortality e.g. for pneumonia, epiglottitis and invasive bacterial and viral diseases. The most frequent symptom of respiratory infections is cough while for its treatment besides medicamentous also alternative therapy is recommended. Phytotherapy is also effective and the committee at EMA (European Medicines Agency) in London, which deals with herbal healing products (HMPC – Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products), released in its latest monograph list of herbs which are used as a source of healing extracts for treatment of cold and cough in children population.