Vladimír Zoľák, Barbora Zoľáková, Marika Janíková, Marian Fedor, Slavomír Nosáľ
In treatment of bronchiolitis a carefully monitored trial of α- and β-adrenergic agents is an option, inhaled bronchodilators
should be continued only if there is positive clinical effect. Corticosteroids should not be used routinely in the
management of bronchiolitis. Antibacterial medications should only be used in children with evidence for coexistence
of a bacterial infection. Acute bronchiolitis is a self-limited illness that in previously healthy children is fully recovered
without complications. Total mortality rate in hospitalized children with RSV bronchiolitis is less than 2 %. Rate of mortality
is higher in a group of youngest children (6-12 weeks), children with low birth weight and children with associated
diseases. Second part of paper is dedicated to clinical features, differential diagnosis and actual recommendations in
treatment of bronchiolitis.