Miroslava Brndiarová, Magdaléna Antonyová, Peter Bánovčin
Acute peritoneal dialysis
The aim: Retrospective analysis of individual cases in order to bring a comprehensive view on the use of peritoneal dialysis
as an acute dialysis method in paediatric patients with acute renal failure.
Patient and Methods: The study population consisted of 21 paediatric patients requiring dialysis therapy. Acute peritoneal
dialysis was used in 19 paediatric patients. We analysed particular diagnoses, course of dialysis treatment, complications
in the context of current knowledge about dialysis treatment.
Results: Peritoneal dialysis was indicated in 11 boys and 8 girls. The median age of patients was 6 years (2 patients were
new-borns, 1 patient was less than one year). In all patients intermittent peritoneal dialysis was performed. The treatment
was successful in 14 cases, four patients died and in one patient the treatment had to be prematurely terminated
as it was inefficient. The Tenckhoff one cuff pigtail or straight dialysis catheter were implanted. The most common
recorded complication was hypoalbuminemia. The lower efficiency was observed in patients with sepsis and patients
after cardiopulmonary resuscitation with required administration of catecholamines.
Conclusion: Despite the current development of elimination methods, acute peritoneal dialysis stays equivalent to dialysis
method in patients requiring dialysis.