Miroslav Šašinka, Katarína Furková
Congenital nephrotic syndrome (NS) of the Finnish type is the most often form of the congenital NS. The disease is predominantly
in Finnish population, but familiar cases are in the all world. Gen of this NS is NPHS1, localized is on the
chromosome 13q 13.1, we know > 50 mutations. Gen NPHS1 codes protein nephrin exprimed on the glomerular podocytes
and is the main part of the glomerular filtration barrier. Gen NPHS2 codes a membrane protein podocin- it´s exprimed
on the podocytes, and is often cause of the steroid resistant NS. Congenital NS manifests with edemas, massive
proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, and hypercholesterolemia and typical is large placenta, more as ¼ of the newborn
weight. For prenatal diagnosis is important high level of the α-fetoprotein. Therapy is symptomatic, success is with renal