Miroslav Šašinka, Katarína Furková
Evidence-based medicine need in every disease/disease state exact characteristics – definition what is base for management of the changed health state. Exact definition enable unified admission to the research and to the clinical care, without it we can´t compare results of the diagnostics, therapy or prevention, predict a prognosis and selection of the effective therapy. After definition of the chronic diseases (chronic kidney disease, CKD), nephrology defined acute states, too (acute kidney injury, AKI), elaborated characteristics of the three AKI stadiums and AKI systems classification
– RIFLE, AKIN, KDIGO and pRIFLE in pediatrics. To the evaluation and stadium definition are recommended 3 biomarkers
– serum creatinine level, urea-N in the blood (BUN) and diuresis. Authors stress on the new perspective biomarkers.
In future we need search other simple and economic biomarkers, compare various therapeutic methods, and find reliable methods on the prognosis determination of various AKI forms.