Róbert Dankovčík, Jan Marek, Alexander Ostró
The aim of the study was to find out whether it was possible to increase catchment of congenital cardiac defects in risk population (women over 35 years) by Doppler examination of the fetal commisure – ductus venosus (DV) between 11th and 14th week of gravidity. Transabdominal probe was used to examined 116 fetuses. In pulse Doppler DV examination the presence or negative flow of A wave was assessed. Zero or negative flow of A wave was considered abnormal. Detailed sonographic examination was performed in all fetuses between 19th and 21st week of gravidity. Abnormal flow in DV was detected in 11 cases (9,48 %). Seven congenital cardiac defects were confirmed, abnormal flow in DV was detected in 6 cases (85,7 %). The results of the study indicate that Doppler examination of DV in risk population increases catchment of congenital cardiac defects.