Stanislav Tomáš
Infertility is a disorder with the prevalence of 10 - 15 % in population, i.e. 60 - 80 million couples worldwide. The management of infertile couples in our country is performed in three levels - primary level (gynaecologist of first contact with patient, urologist or general practitioner), secondary level (reproductive medicine office) and third level (assisted reproduction centre). General gynaecologist plays the key role in the management of infertile couples and in early beginning of diagnostic process and treatment. The basis of early and successful treatment of infertility is consequently a close cooperation of general gynaecologist with specialist in reproductive medicine. With respect to making a decision of a suitable level for the beginning of diagnostic-therapeutical process it is necessary to take into consideration several factors as follows: 1. the cause of infertility, 2. the duration of infertility, 3. the age of the patient.