Peter Harbulák, Zuzana Behúňová, Iveta Stenová, Gabriela Iľková, Marek Drábek, Iveta Konýčková
In this study we focused on comparison of successfulness of gonadotropin preparates with the content of luteinizing hormone in stimulation protocols in IVF cycles. In the retrospective analysis we divided the set of 390 normoresponding patients to 4 groups in dependence on used gonadotropin preparates with the content of luteinizing activity (HMG, uFSH, rFSH+HMG, rFSH+rLH). Monitored parameters were evaluated in patients at the age up to 35 years and over 35 years. The protocols with the content of luteinizing hormone have higher successfulness in comparison with protocols in which gonadotropins with rFSH itself were applied. In patients over 35 years stimulated by gonadotropin preparates with the content of luteinizing hormone we did not find any significant differences in monitored indicators. In the group over 35 years there was spotted a lower number of pregnancies, in the other parameters there was not any significant difference.