Tibor Bielik
In recent years the possibilities of contraceptive methods have extended and so there occurs a problem to choose an optimal method for particular couples. Even the conception of contraception is not possible to consider generally, however, efficacy, availability, minimum risk and side effects are expected from a contraceptive. To it there is also added obvious reversibility and presence of other, non-contraceptive benefits. There are also changes in conventional combined hormonal contraception and not only in the sense of lowering of estradiol dose, but also by implementation of other types of oestrogens and progesterone. The changes contribute to medical safety of patients from the aspect of venous thromboembolism, reduction of influence on liver metabolism and on factors of haemostasis. User regimens are also changing to an extended or continual way which minimizes symptoms related to the drop of hormonal level in a pill-free interval and at the same time they minimize the possibility of undesirable pregnancy due to a mistake in their taking. An important part of contraceptive methods becomes a long-time reversible contraception which shows the best cost-effectiveness with an important reduction of undesirable pregnancies.