Eva Koričanská, Eva Dedinská, Igor Rusňák, Zuzana Provazníková, Hana Habánová, Zuzana Seresová
Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome is characterized by uterus didelphys, obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal
agenesis. It is a combined anomaly of the urogenital tract, caused by the failure of lateral fusion of Müllerian ducts,
combined with a failure of vertical fusion between Müllerian duct and the Wolffian structure, and failure of fusion
between Müllerian duct and sinus urogenitalis. It is usually present after menarche like increasing pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea
and palpable pelvic mass, which result from retained menstrual blood flow in the obstructed vagina. Treatment
is surgical, with resection of vaginal septum; it is the treatment of choice, usually with good results, and about 80 % of
patients are able to conceive.