Erik Kúdela
Menstrual cycle disorders belong to the most common reasons of visitting the outpatient gynaecologist.
Abnormally strong and prolonged mestrual bleeding (heavy menstrual bleeding – HMB) affects approximatelly
10-35 % of women. Many studies focusing on the therapy of menstrual cycle disorders (mainly HMB) underlined
the effectivity of levonorgestrel intrauterine system (LNG-IUS) . New intrauterinne insert Levosert® could
be useful especially in women with heavy menstrual bleeding, who are looking for the reversible contraceptive
method. Levosert® is as effective as the system Mirena® in 3 years period. There were found no statistically significant
differences in the values of haemoglobin, endometrium thickness and the incidence of sideropenic anemia.