Jakub Daniš, Miroslav Korbeľ, Miroslav Borovský, Alexandra Krištúfková, Monika Dugátová, Bianka Némethová
The analysis of severe postpartal bleeding cases in the Slovak Republic in 2013 and comparison with 2012 is done.
The incidence was 1.77/1000 deliveries (95 % CI 1.91 – 2.79), with an average estimated blood loss of 955 ml. The highest
rates were reported in Bratislava region (3.98) and the lowest in the Trencin region (0.76). Frequency of severe peripartum
bleeding after vaginal delivery, caesarean section, and induced delivery were 38 %, 62 % and in 27 % of cases
respectively. Leading cause of peripartum haemorrhage was uterine hypotony – 32.6 %, followed by placental abruption
– 25 %, obstetric injuries – 23.9 %, acquired coagulopathies – 23.9 %, abnormal placental invasion – 15.2 % and uterine
rupture – 2.2 %.