Juraj Kaušitz, Ľuboslav Sanisló
Ovarian gynaecological cancers, tumours of the cervix and the body of the uterus are the most common. Oncomarkers
production of ovarian cancers depends on histology. Little differentiated serous cystic carcinomas account for over 70%
of ovarian cancers and they are a vigorous producer of oncomarkers. For more differentiated forms, i.e. endometrioid
cancer, clean cell carcinomas and mucinous carcinomas a marked reduction in production of CA125 and HE4 is found.
Up to 90% of cervical cancers is made up by epidermoid carcinomas, while the remaining 5% are adenocarcinomas. The
basic marker epidermoid carcinoma is the SCCA. The primary marker of the uterine body cancer CA 125 is the auxiliary
marker CA 19-9, which is present mainly in the mucous type.