Alexandra Krištúfková
Sexology is an interdisciplinary field of medicine. It is a part of obstetrics and gynaecology, urology, endocrinology,
psychiatry, psychology, but the general overview in field of sexology should have doctors in another specialisation,
too. The education in sexology and sexual health should be part of educational curriculum at the medical faculty.
However, this part of medicine is always pushed to the back, as there is always something more important to learn.
Medical students, young doctors and doctors in specialisation only rarely get in touch with sexology or sexual
health. This status was confirmed by the newest European study – more than 60 % of young doctors in specialisation
will not get in touch with sexology or sexual health, even they have found it as significant part of education. As
a consequence of this, there is the doctor’s avoidance of questions about sexual health, discomfort by discussing
sexual problems with a patient and not information about possible sexual health problems with some diseases. Taking
care about the sexual health of population, information and direct discussion about the sexual health problems
is an integral part of the medical practice. It is crucial to think about the sexual health and to improve the education
of medical students and young doctors in this field.