Kamil Koleják, Alena Macáková, Bruno Rudinský, Peter Harangozó, Ondrej Šedivý, Róbert Hill, Martin Drozda
Three-dimensional angiography realized by CT (3D-CTA) is a standard method for diagnosis and management of patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Between 2003 and 2004 twenty five patients with aneurysm in cerebral artery underwent surgery and preoperative 3D CT angiography. Comparing preoperative findings on 3D-CTA with video recordings during operation revealed that 3D-CTA provides before operation extraordinary realistic and detailed picture of conditions on cerebral arteries. Our experiences and results published in literature as well have showed that sensitivity of aneurysm imaging is the same as digital substraction angiography (DSA). 3D-CTA can also be used for diagnosis of stenoses and occlusions of extracranial segment of carotic artery. In arteriovenous malformations (AVM) DSA is added to 3D-CTA. Fundamental advantage of 3DCTA is its minimal invasivity, low risk of complications and quick realization of the examination.