Georgi Krastev, Juraj Tóth, Miroslav Mako
Multiple sclerosis is a progressive autoimmune disease with present demyelinization of CNS nerve cells. Mitoxanthrone is an immunosuppressive agent with detectable reduction of disease activity. It is an efficient sort of therapy mainly in later stages of the disease. We prepared data from 16 patients, whose EDSS had increased at least in one point during last 18 months before the therapy with mitoxanthrone started. It is a retrospective uncontrolled study. The patients received mitoxanthrone in total dose of 60 - 120 mg, the therapy lasted for 6 - 15 months. We scored the effect on disease progression (EDSS) and number of relapses during the therapy, 12 months and 24 months after finishing the therapy.We observed improvement, although not significant. Moreover, 2 years after finishing the therapy we confirmed that mitoxanthrone had holding effect in a half of patients regarding the EDSS and activity of the disease. Results, though obtained retrospectively, are comparable with preliminary studies.