Katarína Kračunová1, Dana Marčišinová2, Miroslav Helbich3, František Cibulčík1, Ján Benetin1
During years 2009 and 2010 in Slovakia has been realized non-intervention study to evaluate influence of wearing off symptoms on quality of life in parkinsonian patients. Basic demographic data, incidence and severity of wearing off symptoms and therapeutical interventions from 680 patients in 60 neurological departments were acquired. Quality of life was evaluated by means PDQ-39 questionnaire and 7-item version of ADL part of UDPRS scale. Study demonstrates strong impact of wearing-off on quality of life of Parkinson’s disease patients treated with levodopa. Quality of life of patients with wearing off is comparable with the quality of life of patients without wearing off but in higher stage of the disease according to Hoehn Yahr scale. Identification of wearing of phenomena can substantially improve quality of life of Parkinson’s disease patients.