Branislav Kollár, Marián Kondáš, Pavel Šiarnik, Lucia Krížová, Zuzana Čarnická, Petra Keményová, Stanislav Šutovský, Katarína Klobučníková
Seizure disorders with or without loss of consciousness are often a diagnostic problem that practically every doctor must face in the clinical practise. From the neurologist’s point of view the most decisive step is to distinguish between seizures of epileptic and non-epileptic origin. The differential diagnosis of epileptic and non-epileptic seizures is quite severe. The issue of uncertain seizure disorder diagnostics, presented by the authors, is illustrated in groups of patients admitted to the 1st Department of Neurology in Bratislava in the time period from 1. 1. 1997 to 1. 1. 2007. Based on the results the authors emphasize the need of extended field of differential diagnosis for neurologists working in this area as well as the need of their erudition in more domains (internal medicine, psychiatry). Strict adherence to standardized diagnostic process and interdisciplinary character of its approach is inevitable.