Andrej Blaho, Stanislav Šutovský, Pavel Šiarnik, Petra Kemenyová, Peter Turčáni
Corticobasal degeneration (CBD) is a rare neurodegenerative disease classified as a tauopathy. Typical clinical symptoms
include asymmetric parkinsonism, dystonia and myoklonus, which usually affects one limb, „alien limb“ phenomenon,
apraxia, sensory discrimination disorder, disturbances of stereognosis and graphesthesia, cognitive deficit, even
dementia of frontal type. Oculomotor disturbances include problems with the initiation of horizontal saccades, without
affecting the vertical gaze. CT and MRI of the brain tend to be normal in the initial stages. Subsequently, frontal and
parietal asymmetric cortical atrophy can be found, more distinctively contralaterally to the clinically affected side.
Symptomatic therapy options of CBD are considerably limited. If parkinsonism comes to the fore, a therapeutical
experiment with levodopa should be conducted. In the first part of our paper we provide a literary overview in which we
analyze this rare disease in detail. We refer to its characteristics and the main distinctive features. The second part deals
with case report of a 61-year old female patient with a gradual progression of lower limb weakness, subsequent tremor
and rigidity of the upper left limb with associated phatic and mnestic disorders, which met the core diagnostic criteria
for CBD. Our case report should point out the main symptoms of CBD and thereby contribute to the better recognition
of this entity in the neurological community.