Eleonóra Klímová, Anna Cvengrošová, Kvetoslav Moravčík, Monika Daňová
Multiple sclerosis (MS) has a variable clinical course and varied clinical symptoms including cognitive failure. Their
scope and significance in patients with MS is often underrated. Current knowledge of the complex pathogenesis of
MS clearly demonstrated the ongoing neurodegenerative process of impairing the gray matter of the brain, which
is triggered at the beginning and further developed by autoimmune inflammatory response. Logically, that opens in
MS treatment the space for an early indication of drugs that can stop the inflammatory demyelinating process and
thus slow the neurodegeneration. For a possible etiopathogenetic similarity of MS and schizophrenia (SCHI) it is
also a potential way of research of the influence of neurodegeneration in SCHI(1). The coincidence of SCHI and MS
is still considered as rare or little diagnosed?
Presented is a case report of a 45-year-old woman with coincidence of SCHI and MS, diagnosed 12 years after a period
of mental illness. The authors emphasize the complexity of the diagnosis of MS and individual problems in the
management of immunomodulatory MS treatment in this case. In the discussion are interpreted some epidemiological
data on the incidence of SCHI in MS population. Attention is also given to the benefits of quantitative methods of magnetic
resonance imaging and the latest knowledge in immunological research of the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.