Milan Blaško, Juraj Brutenič, Ján Hoffmann, Branislav Trebatický, Ján Breza
Objective: Oncocytoma was first described by Zippel in 1942. It was not sooner than in 1976 when Klein and Valensi demonstrated in 13 cases that it is a benign tumor with favorable prognosis without any exception. Material and methods: In retrospective work clinical material was analyzed in patients surgically treated for tumor of kidney with the aim to find out the occurrence, clinical behavior and characteristics of oncocytomas of kidney. In the period of years 2001 - 2006 324 patients with tumor of kidney were treated. In 11 of them (3.39 %) oncocytoma of kidney was found. Diagnosis of oncocytoma in all patients was confirmed by histological investigation of removed kidney despite preoperative examination by means of specific morphological signs. Gender, age of the patients, symptoms and signs and characteristics of the tumor were analyzed. From 11 patients with oncocytoma 8 were males. Patients were from 36 - 82 years old (mean age 63.1, median 65). Results: From 11 patients with oncocytoma 8 were males. Patients were from 36 - 82 years old (mean age 63.1, median 65). Nine patients underwent a radical nephrectomy and 2 female patients partial resection of the kidney. All patients have survived without any signs of recurrence or dissemination of disease 3 months - 5 years after surgery. Conclusion: Oncocytomas are histologically and clinically benign tumors of kidney characterized by slow growth and good prognosis after nephrectomy. Their precise preoperative diagnostics is difficult. There are no any imaging methods able to differentiate oncocytoma from malignant tumors of kidney.