Aleš Petřík
Despite availability and low risks of minimum invasive techniques (ESWL and ureteroscopy) conservative therapy has its place in the therapy of ureterolithiasis. Likelihood of spontaneous withdrawal of concrement lowers with the size and increases with caudal location. Occurrence of renal colic during concrement withdrawal lowers possibility of further waiting. Historical hyper hydration of the patient is of no importance. It can even deteriorate the patient´s condition. To rise the likelihood of concrement withdrawal and lower the time of withdrawal α1 blockers (mostly tamsulosin) and calcium channels blockers are used. Prostaglandin synthesis inhibitors can be used in combination with these preparations because they reduce the occurrence of renal colic. Corticosteroids increase the effect of calcium channels blockers. Conservative therapy should be finished in case of complications (mostly infections) and after 4 weeks if impairment of kidney function is imminent.