Eva Kovaľová1, Ivan Minčík2, Alica Kovaľová3, Pit J. Voss3, Mária Minčíková4, Monika Daňová5
Objective: A serious complication of bisphosphonate therapy is ostenonecrosis of jaw or mandibule (ONJ – osteonecrosis of the jaw). Osteonecrosis affects mostly patients treated with bisphosphonates for multiple myeloma, for bone metastases in prostate cancer, breast cancer and patients treated for osteoporosis. The authors present the incidence of osteonecrosis of the jaw and mandibule in patients treated with bisphosphonates at the Department of Dental Hygiene and Maxillofacial Surgery University Hospital in Prešov and the Department Mund-Kiefer-und Gesichtschirurgie Universitätsklinikum Freiburg in Germany and at the Department of Urology at the Hospital in Prešov. Results: At the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Dental Hygiene in Prešov 32 patients were examined who were treated with bisphosphonates. 5 patients has been diagnosed with osteonecrosis of the jaw bone (15.6 %). In Freiburg 71 patients were examined and osteonecrosis has been found in 45 patients (63.3 %). Totally, from 103 examined patients in 50 patients (48.5 %) osteonecrosis of jaw has been found. Conclusion: Based on our data and published data in the literature, osteonecrosis of the jaw bones as a complication in patients treated with bisphosphonates is frequent. The need for cooperation between specialists who treat patients with bisphosphonates and dentists is required.