Michal Peteja, Ivan Viľcha, Ivan Minčík, Richard Ľuník
Objective: Based on actual knowledge analysis and own experience to inform about using of diode lasers in BPO treatment with emphasis on 980 nm Ceralas HPD diode laser photoselective vaporisation of the prostate (PVP). Materials and Methods: Data analysis concerning of laser-tissue interaction, preclinical and clinical use of the lasers in treatment of BPO published until 2013. Results: The advantage of laser surgery vs. TURP in treatment LUTS due to BPH is almost bloodless operation field and absence of irrigation fluid absorption during treatment. PVP treatment outcomes are similar to TURP, stay-in-hospital time and bladder catheterisation time is shorter. PVP reduces complications associated to peroperative bleeding. Safe using in polymorbid (≥ ASA 3) and anticoagulated patients is advantage. Conclusion: Diode laser PVP effectively improves Qmax, QoL and reduces IPSS. Because of high price and high reoperation rate it nowadays is not standard treatment, but mininvasive alternative for patients contraindicated to classic endoresection.